Monday 22 February 2016

The Italian Connection

Alan commented on Trystan Lewis Swale's "Looking for Elizabeth [-------] and Jacqueline [------]."

The following unedited, uncorrected comment was posted by an Italian man to Swale's website blog:

"Good evening. My name is Alan, i’m from Italy, please accept my apologies for my poor english. I study vampirology since many years and obviously i’ve followed the Highgate vampire case with a lot of interest during the last decade. I would like to say a few words.

"Frankly it’s really hard for me to understand why a group of few people has decided to establish a climate of hate, rancour and mockery against the Bishop Sean Manchester. First of all please remember that Bishop Manchester is not a child, he could be your father, and it’s really annoying to read some comments from people that clearly don’t know good manners (i remember the 'Bishop Bonkers' story, just to make an example).

"Second: honestly i don’t understand what kind of result you hope to obtain bothering two ladies that evidently don’t want to speak about the past…the Highgate vampire’s case has happened 46 years ago, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, they never talked about that story and you really believe that they will talk now only because of your call? I think that you’re really optimistic….Guys, get a life! After 46 years every protagonist of that event has said what it was necessary to say, we have a lot of articles, books and testimonies about it… everybody has the right to have his own opinion and believe me, i perfectly understand that it sounds fascinating to investigate but it seems to me that you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel, don’t you think?

"Third: in my opinion we all should say just a big 'thank you' to the Bishop Sean Manchester because it’s only thanks to him if we all write a river of words about the case after almost 50 years after the facts. That Friday 13th Bishop Manchester has made history, period, deal with it. He lit up our passion and interest. Now you can believe in his account or not, it’s your right, if you think that the whole story is a hoax you can just put his books on the library and forget about them. Your choice. You don’t believe in demons? You don’t believe in God? You don’t believe in the existence of vampires? No problem. But please stop bothering him cause it’s very sad to see a coalition of adults acting like childs.

"I wonder why many people attack Bishop Manchester and not a vandal and a black magician like David Farrant?! Maybe because Bishop Manchester talks about God and Farrant talks about magic and occult rituals? It’s clear enough that a Catholic clergyman is surely a easy target in these years of anti christian propaganda but Farrant is just an opportunist who desperately seeked his 15 minutes of fame on Bishop Manchester coat-tails. And he’s still trying to demand attention after 46 years, it’s a little pathetic, but this is just my two cents…Bishop Manchester is much more coherent than a person who organize clownings like the Highgate vampire symposium only to say that he doesn’t believe in vampires… wow! Really interesting! So why he still takes advantage of that story using the terminology “The Highgate vampire”? And you’d really spend your money to see a depressing show of that kind? With what authority Farrant talks about the Highgate vampire case? Honestly i really don’t understand. Moreover i’m pretty sure that he doesn’t remember what he ate yesterday, let’s imagine what he can recall about his awkward wrongdoings dating back to 46 years ago…

"Bishop Manchester has turned the page, he doesn’t organize pointless 'symposiums' and he doesn’t need your money like somebody else…. so i think that the best thing that some people could do is leaving him alone. Regards."

(Comment posted on 21 February 2016 at 6:03 pm)

Swale's offensive reply was steeped in libel and lies repeated from Farrant and it is not worth sharing. Anthony Hogg's comments continued in much the same insulting and dismissive vein. For example:

"Could people call me a 'troll' for referring to your asshole behaviour here? Probably. But then they’d be overlooking the context, wouldn’t they? ... I’m sorry you feel that I’m rude, Alan. But I’m afraid you haven’t left me much choice. ... Don’t waste my time with bullshit, Alan. ... Your condescending, shitty attitude was actually the whole problem in the first place. If you get back to me with some fair and balanced comments, including taking the effort to read what we’ve shared with you [to] discuss their content [and] not whinging on and on about 'rancour' and some other bullshit, then, and only then, will I be able to take you more seriously." (Anthony Hogg on Trystan Swale's website's blog)

Alan (who is a resident of Milan, Italy, albeit falsely accused of being in Germany by Swale) added:

"Anthony, i’ve been polite and reasonable but you insist to be aggressive and frankly this makes me feel unconmfortable. i really would like to examine your points but at this point i guess that it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s a pity but if you don’t know the good manners there’s nothing i can do unfortunately. You’re a guy full of preconceptions. For example: you say that i’m an apologist but i’ve never expressed my opinion about the Highgate case. Never. Surely i believe in the supernatural but i didn’t express an opinion about the case itself. In all my comments i’ve just asked respect and politeness for the Bishop Manchester and for all the people who could have different views. I’ve made some questions and objections but i didn’t offend anyone as you did. Why you need to use personal offenses to express your reasons? I don’t understand…Anyway, if this means to be an apologist, well, i’m guilty but just for the record i’ve spent a lot of years studying vampirology and paranormal so i repeat that your insults are out of place. Maybe you need to insult and provoke because the quality of your topics is low, i really don’t know, it’s just a theory. That said, i’m sincerely sorry cause as said before i was not here to argue and it was not my intention to be offensive. I’ve tried to find a meeting point but it seems that it’s impossible to have a normal conversation with you. I think that there’s really something wrong in your attitude, maybe you should think about it, just my two cents. Thanks to Trystan for the hospitality, much appreciated."

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